Davith Kuch


The Top Jewelers

Art Direction | Photography

The Top Jewelers needed some design help and wanted to get into social media marketing.
Unfortunately, they didn’t have any original content that reflected their desired brand look,
products, or craftsmanship. They make completely custom pieces to order and I wanted to
highlight the fine details of their work, while establishing a signature look and identity. I
completely revamped their website, estimate and invoice forms, business cards, created a
few ads, and began their social media presence with a library of product shots. In just few
months, with an ad budget of a humble $20 per month, I managed to help them grow their
Facebook followers from under 50 to over 400, Twitter from under 20 to over 250, and
began a growing presence on Pinterest and Instagram.

RVA Home Team

Art Direction | Editing

RVA Home Team is a residential realty agency based out of Richmond, Virginia. They wanted to create an attractive and easy to read Buyers and Sellers guide to help their client base, while also building positive brand associations with their business. It had to be sharp enough to print with a digital version small enough to email. After sifting through multiple pages of single spaced text, I broke it down into sections with heavy imagery and rewrote the copy to make it easier to digest. Not only did they love the final product, it’s been a great resource in their marketing, which has helped them become one of the most promising realty agencies in Richmond today.


Art Direction

Seller’s Guide

Art Director / Copywriter

Buyer’s Guide

Art Director / Copywriter

Summit Soap Co.


Art Direction

Save water. Shower With a friend.

Bumper Sticker Campaign

Art Direction

Summit Soap wanted to promote water conservation in a fun and unique way with a bumper sticker campaign that would come with their soaps and be distributed locally in Breckenridge, CO. Building on their values of love and openness, the “Save Water. Shower with a friend” campaign was born.

The die cut bumper stickers features a distinctive water drop shape and the message: Save water. Shower with a friend. Various fun designs were made to represent peace between all humans and beings, with enough variety to make them collectable.  


Zoe’s Chocolates




Art Direction | Naming

Package Design

In the Chocolate Safari Bar you’ll find various animal crackers vying for your attention. The Lottie Dottie Bar will tease you will chocolate dots scattered throughout, and you can unleash your T-Rex hunger with the Chocosaurus Bar, that features a river of crunchy cereal mixed throughout. None of this would have been possible without Safari Steve, who regaled me with tales of his amazing adventures. He can be seen on each wrapper, and I hear he’s currently on an expedition for the long lost Gummy de Milo.

Simply Zombie

Simply Zombie started as a dream come true. With the rise in popularity of the zombie genre, I had the opportunity to create merchandise based on something I loved. Initially starting with apparel, planned products included a variety of zombie merchandise ranging from chocolate brains!, chocolate zombies, gusher gummy limbs, shooting targets, a branded machete and survival knife, survival kits, posters, organic soap, etc…






Creative Direction

Zombie merchandise company


Chocolate Brains!

A delicious delicacy for zombie fans. Made from white chocolate with a splash of raspberry “blood”, these brains are sure to satisfy your unearthly hunger.



Cannabis Photography